14 September 2014

Living My Life

I feel like so much has happened in my life in such a short time! I have been doing and living so much both physically and emotionally that I practically forgot that I own a blog, sorry for that. The good thing in that is that now I have so many pictures I haven't posted here that I can post at least every other day for a while.

I really don't know where to start writing. In these couple of months I have met tons of amazing people and spent many precious moments with them, I have gone for a hike in Lapland, hitchhiked for the first time in my life going around Spain, gotten more tanned than I've been in a long time, picked up more than 30 litres of berries (no kidding), meditated in the woods, seen the northern lights, helped other people the best that I've been able to, lived in a shared apartment for the first time in my life, started living alone for the first time in my life, learnt to cook something else than desserts, fasted for an entire week, and best of all, I have gotten to know someone new who has become incredibly important to me in such a short time. All in all, I have been really happy and able to live in the moment and just enjoy everything around me most of the time. And maybe you already know or have guessed, a while ago I broke up with the person that I thought was the love of my life, and I feel like it was actually healthy and a good thing for me, feeling bad and stressed only for the other person. Luckily he seems to be fine too, and I hope it stays that way.

Now I was sick last week, and I am just waiting to fully recover to be able to do sports again. I now have room enough to practice dancing or capoeira or whatnot in my living room, and I can't wait to start! I desire to go for a run every day to clear my head, climb in a bouldering cave to get some work for my muscles and dance without thinking how I look in the eyes of others.

Last night I saw some amazing northern lights, and could capture a few beautiful pictures, but I still decided to go in order with the oldest pictures I have not published here yet. Auroras will be coming when it's their time.

I also decided to write here more in the future, starting from this post. Writing relaxes me, and I often have flow experiences while writing, so I think it's also good for me and not just nice for someone reading my blog. How selfish of me! I think people should write more, write a diary or a short story or poems or whatever they feel like writing, because I think it is a perfect way of getting to know yourself better and more deeply. By writing you have think about how to put the words and how to express your thoughts and feelings with them, and by doing so, you might realise things you hadn't thought before, even and maybe most when it comes to yourself. People seem to take it for granted that they know what they think so well. I dare everyone reading this to write something for one week every day, and see if you gain anything from it. If nothing life changing, at least every time you write something you learn more about the language even if you wouldn't notice.

Right now I'm thinking that maybe I should have this blog only in English, because it is pretty exhausting to write the same text twice in different languages.  And you can't have the same kind of flow in writing when you already wrote the thing once. And I have at least as many non-Finnish as I have Finnish friends, who might be interested to read about my life every now and then. Or at least check the pictures. Stereotypically I will also argue that Finnish people know English anyway. This is a great example of how writing helps you discover your thoughts in a deeper way, I have just decided something I wasn't sure about before - only while writing this paragraph!

Here we go, this first picture actually isn't taken by me, for I myself am in it, but I thought a good portrait of myself might be nice for a change. Maybe someone hasn't seen me yet. And unfortunately this is going to be the only picture in this post, as I will have to ask some people if it's ok to publish their pictures here. Thanks to one special person in my life, I have started to think, why people want their pictures taken, and what are my reasons why I would want pictures taken of me. More of those thoughts some other time.

I have a secret wish of this blog getting more readers for I might feel some point in writing here then. So I happily welcome any new readers to follow the blog! Also, if you are reading this but are not a reader, please click the "I read the text" box under the post and make me happy! (;


  1. Mä olin jumittanut tuohon suomenkieliseen versioon, mutta tällä puolellahan on varsin kiva fiilis myös. Kuvia on kiva katsella :)


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