As an early high school graduation gift I got a perfect professional camera I had been dreaming for years. When I was little, I imagined I would become a photographer for National Geographic or another big magazine, travel around the globe with my camera to meet extraordinary places and different people, but the rough reality made me to love photography more as a hobby than a future career.
So I am not more than an enthusiastic amateur, but I still wanted to start sharing my pictures somewhere in a more selective way than in Facebook. From words to actions: here you can see the first picture taken by me in this blog!
I will surely write about other subjects too and not only photography, and hopefully I get to capture as images much of what I'll write about. My biggest passions are horses, nature, living in the moment and love. Carpe Diem - no very original, but a well describing motto for my life. I always try to live in the moment and keep my eyes and heart open for beauty (obviously, from there came the idea for the blog's name). I am an open, happy and thoughtful person, and with my photos I try to get people think, stop and smile - just not always at the same time. Oh well, that's for as long as I can speak about my photography so far, as I'm not so experienced yet and it's probable to take its own shape when I get into practising more.
When I get it translated, you can read more about me in the "About the Writer" -section.
And now the best pics from the same trip I did to Nuuksio National Park (near Helsinki in Finland) where the first one was also taken:
(As I have understood you get the images bigger by clicking, we'll see soon!)