18 September 2014

Just a normal post.

Hello everyone! I have no idea if anyone's interested in hearing just normal stuff from my life and what I've been up to, but I want to write something like this anyway.

Doing sports again feels so good. I've been cycling, running and dancing, and I don't want to stop.

I just heard that I didn't get a job where I had had an interview, but I'll have another interview in two weeks and hopefully will get that one, because I would really want it. Not just to have a job, but because I would like to have that job. It's in the nightlife of my city, and as a night person the working hours would suit me. I guess I'll have to start writing more applications anyway just in case, because the chances of getting the place are probably not especially high.

I had a very interesting meeting of an entrepreneurship study unit on Tuesday, and I am thrilled now with all kinds of ideas in my head. I would like to actually start my own company, and I would love for it to be about photography. I don't know if I'm good enough, or if anyone would buy my pictures or whatever I would be offering in the end, but it would be a great opportunity of learning of that field, and getting better with both photography and learning of business life. And you would never even have the chance of succeeding if you never try, right? I am open to any comments about this theme, I would like to hear other people's opinions!

My study motivation isn't very high at the moment, but I seem to get all the school work done easily when I get the sparkle to start. A course I'm attending to about sustainability in tourism is raising a lot of thoughts in my head, and I'll allow them to find their way here soon, when I get some sense into that post I'm preparing.

Tomorrow I will take part in a ten kilometers'"ruska" hike that my university is organising, and I am hoping I will get some pretty pictures of Lappish nature in its colours of autumn. There is no word in English for the Finnish word "ruska", but it means the period of autumn, when the leaves of the trees and other plants change their green to red, yellow, orange and brown. Here in Lapland it is amazingly beautiful, because the nature is very special and unique. We have a lot more of small plants on the ground, such as moss and twigs like blueberries, lingonberries and heathers, and less big forests of deciduous trees, so it's the ground changing colour in many areas instead of the tops of the trees. Hopefully my shots will speak for me.

Oh, well, I haven't been doing that much of anything it seems, because I ran out of things to write already. I might as well go to dance some more then. Here I have some pictures from June of a beautiful Nova scotia retriever in a traditional Finnish scenery: lakes and forests. Cheers!

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