29 June 2013

At the Beach

Chile - a country about 4000 kilometers long that has more than 6000 kilometers of coastline with the Pacific Ocean.

And some good news: the results came yesterday, and I got in to the university I wanted! Yahoo! (:

16 June 2013

14 June 2013

Mi Chile

At last I had the time and energy to install a program to edit my pictures, do the work of choosing the best ones and editing them, and now getting (some of) them here. I love being here in Chile, but I won't write a lot here because I'm too lazy to copy-paste the letters ä and ö all the time, as they are used in Finnish but not found in the keyboard here.

Just enjoy the first set of pictures from Chile! And there will be more frequent posting in the future, after having overcome the troubles with getting started now (:


07 June 2013


A day's visit in Lapland didn't get me more pictures than one memory card full of my uncle's seven weeks old puppies. I really tried to pick only the best ones here, but let's see, because they were freaking cute!

The trip went pretty nicely, and I think I did the entrance exam well. While killing my time in Rovaniemi waiting for my train, I could have taken a pic here and there, but was too lazy to get the camera because I had so much stuff with me then. Now I just can't wait moving there! The only negative thing was that I slept really badly in the night train, but at least I'll be tired enough to sleep in the plane tomorrow.

So we are leaving Finland for Chile tomorrow, so no updates will be posted in a couple of days. I love so much packing the bags, airports and the exciting feeling of wait before something actually happens - like being tied into some crazy roller coaster, knowing you can't pull back anymore, but still many seconds will pass before you start moving.

So, would you like to see some puppies?
And they are Norwegian elkhound.
